Thursday, March 8, 2012

Little Things

Sometimes it's just the little things that remind me God's there and he cares. I'm in Tulsa for a conference and I've woken up a few times my stomach bothering me and super thirsty. The kind of thirst that only a soda will do. I dig out all my change, $20, a credit card. I walk to the other end of the hall in the middle of the night to get a soda.

Vending Machines in a hotel are expensive...$1.50 for a 20 oz bottle. I have $1.25 in quarters and a couple of dimes. It took my quarters but wouldn't take my dimes. I tried a few and it spit them out at the bottom change return thing.

When I reached down to pick up the 3rd dime there in the change return was another quarter.

Thanks Dad for blessing me.

He's even in the small stuff!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st...

It's almost been a year since our world turned upside with 3 beautiful blue eyed beauties. March 17th to be exact.

March 1st offically kicks off a month long celebration at our house!! Between our family & friends we have over 8 birthdays this month!! We'll even have special guest visiting Ohio this month! Grampy comes this weekend for an entire week & then Aunt Kim & Grandma C come the last week of the month for the Spring Break & our 3X birthday party!!

I'm not sure who's more excited...the kids or me :)