Monday, March 4, 2013

Hold On Tight

A week ago today started off a little different than normal. It was sunny and in Ohio during the winter that is very very odd. I was so thankful for the sun beaming in the car as I drove to work not knowing what God had planned for me that day.

Around 11 AM I received a phone call from a BLOCKED number. When I see that it means that Job & Family Services is trying to call me. As I answered the phone I noticed that I had missed 3 other phone calls from them starting at 9 AM.

Our caseworker on the other end said, "Kara did you get my messages?"

I said, "No I'm sorry. I had left my phone on my desk and it is on silent and I've had people in my office this morning."

She said "I need to know if you and Shawn are interested in placement of a newborn. He is 3 days old and you'd be picking him up from the hospital. You guys were the first people we thought of when we knew he needed placement. He does have potential paternal grandparents that may be interested if they can qualify. I am not sure about the length of placement."

I wonder how long I set quiet on the phone. My response was "Can I call Shawn and call you right back?"

Caseworker responded..."Absolutely!" Shawn's response was exactly the same as the caseworkers.

The next few hours were a blur. My friend (mother of four boys ages 5 mths - 7 yrs) went with me to pick  up this new little man. I had been to that hospital's maternity ward many times but never to take a baby home with me. My friend asked questions that only a mom would know to ask. So thankful she came.

They even made me ride out in a wheelchair. So many emotions in this picture and the days to come. I was smiling on the outside but one the inside I kept thinking "if you drop this baby they are not going to let you take him home. HOLD ON TIGHT!" among many many other things.

Let me put this out there. This beautiful gift does in no way remove the pain of our three amazingly beautiful 3 going home. There are no promises as to how long this little man will be with us but I know my Father has a plan not only for this little mans life but for Shawn & mine as well.

"God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and trust” ― A.W. Tozer

...hold on tight...

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