Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How can this be...

3 months, 90 days, 2,160 hours, 129,600 minutes ago our world changed...and we didn't even know it.
In the beginning I felt like a hypocrite when people would stop me and tell me how cute "my" baby was and ask me about his stats. He was so tiny...My favorite was when people would tell me how good I looked for having a baby that young. It MUST not be your first. Sometimes I would smile and thank them and move on about my day other times I would shock them and tell them that we were foster parents. Inevitably their response would be:
"I don't know how your do it!"
"What are you going to do when you have to give him back?"
"Aren't you attached to him?"
" How are you going to handle it if you don't keep him?"

To which I would reply

"I don't know how either. Only with God's grace"
"Probably Cry."
"INCREDIBLY! Wouldn't you be? Look at the face!"
"I'm not sure but I know that God is in control."

I thought a baby would be While he doesn't say "I love you mommy. Don't leave me mommy. You my favorite mama." The way his smile lights up for me like it does for NO ONE else says it all. The way he snuggles in to me after his last bottle and falls asleep. The peaceful gaze that he gives when I feed him. The way he "talks" to me at bath time and laughs at me when I "buzz" my lips together. Don't get me wrong he giggles and looks and smiles and snuggles with's just a little different with the mama.

We have a long way to go on this road. The journey has just begun...but for today I am able to enjoy the fact that he celebrates his 3 month birthday with us. No cake no party hats or streamers just a song and a lot of hugs and kisses.

Happy Birthday Sweet Love! You have no idea how you've changed my world...

3 Month Statistics
14.1 pounds
23" long
Sleeps through the night...most nights.
Eats 6oz bottles every 4-5 hrs & we just 1 bowl of cereal at night
Is beginning to put himself to sleep
LOVES to sit up
LOVES to watch the dogs
LOVES his play mat that sings to him
LOVES to be talk to
LOVE LOVE LOVES Bath time (next to eating it is his FAVORITE time of day)
Seems to enjoy his first few bowls of cereal
Smiles when I sing "HIS" song t him
Has met his Grandma C, Mimi & Papa
Likes to sit up to watch TV while he burps
Found his fists & LOVES to eat them
Doesn't like to burp but doesn't like the side effects of an upset belly either.
Has yucky acid reflux

"but as for me, I watch in HOPE for the Lord I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me." Micah 7:7 
Please be in agreement with us that God will move quickly in this case & praying for HIS will to be accomplished. I am at peace knowing He already knows the ending of the story. But I have to remember sometimes moment by moment...there is a God and it is NOT me!

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