The past week has been full of tremendous blessing for us. I am tired and crazy busy @work so I can't post all about it now. This past Sunday we received another confirmation that God has promised us a child and he is coming and that we need to stand firm on the promises that God has given us. I will post on that more later as well as some more beautiful puppy pictures! Harley is a cutie even if I do say so myself! But for now...
Saw this today and wanted to share it. When I saw this I started wondering...
How do you describe God?
I love that you're receiving these confirmations. I believe they mean the world!!! I didn't know how soon "soon" meant, but I knew that God told me to get ready because He was about to start moving and doing things in my infertility. From beginning to end, I'd say it was less than 3-4 months- that includes all of the time I spent going through testing when those doors opened, my first treatments, and finding out I am pregnant. He said it and it happened.
You did say that "God has promised us a child and HE is coming...". Has there been any prophetic words of you having a boy?! I think that's pretty awesome if that's what you meant. Stand firm on all of those promises. You have the nursery already set up. To stand on my promises, I picked out each future child's name and called them by it, praying for them by name. I wrote letters to my future baby, believing that someday he/she would really exist and be able to read it. I started making things for the nursery with the baby's names on them- I made picture frames that had scriptures of assurance and hope on them. I crocheted baby blankets. Go all out. Believe it with everything you have!!!
And, as a last note, I think your puppy is so cute! I didn't mention it on your last post, but she is adorable!!!
I posted a version of this on my blog several months ago. I love it! And it moves me EVERY time! Thank you for posting it today...I needed to hear it.
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