Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I was speaking to one of my friends that I have the pleasure of working with today about the past year. He said he was excited about the new year and about camp season...for most people there are 4 seasons...Winter Spring Summer & Fall.

Where we come from there is Winter, Spring, Camp, VBS, Camp, Summer, Fall.

We were talking about the past years successes and failures. I said that I want to thrive this year and not just survive this year.  I want to enjoy the journey not just not just hold it together. A year of exponential growth. Not settling but continued growth. I spoke of missed opportunities, figuring out how to use that God's given me effectively, how to grow to be who God's creating me to be, finding balance with so much emotional things going on especially with the kids...yada yada yada

I received a txt of later today that said...

4 signs of growth...
1. Recognizing missed opportunities
2.Utilizing the resources you already have
3. Processing the ability to objectively analyzing one's performance
4. Spiritual mental and emotional balance.

So thankful that God has blessed me with friends who encourage.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

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