I met with 2 Case Workers on Friday. Ours and Little Mans. Both were good informative meetings but I can't wait to meet our ADOPTION Case Worker to actually call. I've been that he is very proficient and he has the tendency to get adoptions done in as little as 3-6 months. It seems like a long time on one hand but when I think about the face that we have waited 16 years 3-6 months doesn't seem too bad.
Our 45 day case review will be the end of May. Now that the state has PC this is our actual 1st step on the adoption process. We can officially start calling him by the name we are giving him. It's going to be a crazy summer...it usually is...I've just never done this crazy schedule with a toddler. He's almost 15 months & he is allllllllll boy!
As we get ready to crossover to adoptive parents I am getting a done of questions from many different people. My friend emailed me this the other day and I saw it again on Pinterest. I thought it was so funny so I thought I'd share.
Boob Job Rule
Marked with the Promise
Living life on God's promises...no matter where He takes us!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
It's Monday morning and I am still overwhelmed by this past week. It was Easter week...Holy week...Company coming in week...PC Hearing week.
Thinking back to Easter growing up it was a big deal...Still is in my mind. Being raised Lutheran we went to church every Wednesday during Lent then Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Sunrise service on Easter out to breakfast and then BACK to church for the 11AM service. Being the youngest of four kids & going to a church that did not have "Kids Classes" I did not enjoy sitting still that long but I did enjoy the family time that week created for me. I always loved when we were all together.
One of my favorite services of all year was the Good Friday service. At the end of the sermon when the Pastor was done teaching on what happened that night so many years ago the lights would get dimmer and dimmer until it was completely dark. After reading from the Gospels he would end with the room completely dark and say "It IS finished!" Slam the big giant Bible was reading from closed. It was crazy silent. And everyone would leave in the stillness and the darkness. No one spoke. We just all got in our cars and left.
This year was a year I hope I never forget. This year right in the middle of the week Wednesday was our permanent custody hearing. I barely slept Monday or Tuesday night between a sick baby and praying I didn't get much rest. Birth-mom contacted the paternal grandparents a few weeks back. She asked if she could see the 2 yr old and said she was going to do whatever it took to get the baby back. We've been fasting and praying for little man's safety. We have been praying for God's will to be done & to protect little man from any harm. She even had the nerve to show up at the paternal grandparents house the day before court. Saying many things that weren't true about what she had done and was going to do through the state.
My heart hurts for her yet I'm angry at her. I see this child that someone must have mistreated and never gave a chance to. So now she is caught in a vicious cycle...but angry for being an adult and NOT stopping it. Maybe no one has ever told her she could or about her Savior
Wednesday @ 10 was our date. PC hearing means that all rights of parents that are involved can be terminated. The judge could rule that day, he could request an actual trial or he could take weeks to review the case and then make a decision. We were there by 9:40 AM and set with the GAL and talked small talk until it was time for him to go back. He said not to be surprised he believed he had seem the birth mom there but he had only met her once & wasn't for sure.
At 10:02 they called us back to the court room. Went back out and called any other parties pertaining to *the baby's name* to come forward.
No one came. No grandmother...No Birth-mother...No Birth-father...No one...
They came back in closed the door and started.
Sitting next to the GAL's boss I was trying to sit still & act professional . When they closed the door she said softly. "Oh well that's not good." I answered back softly thinking maybe she was talking to me..."what's not good? Is everything ok?" She didn't respond.
About 15 mins in the GAL's boss leans over to me and said "Take a breath. You have already won."
Right then and there I was overwhelmed with emotion. Seriously almost became a sobbing mess right there. Shawn grabbed my hand. I was reminded where I was and it probably wouldn't be a good thing for me to react that way in where I was.
After the Caseworker left the stand they talk to the other attorney & the GAL. Then the judge said I will make my decision.
We found out this Friday on Good Friday that It Is Finished...
The parental right have been severed. He was declared abandoned. Permanent Custody has been granted to the state for our little man.
We can now move forward with declaring him our son.
I am thankful that while he was "declared" he will never have know the feeling of being abandoned.
Overwhelmed by so many things this past week. I have been overwhelmed with excitement, tears, love, joy, sadness (for the birth family).
This being Easter weekend I just kept thinking how overwhelmed I was by God's love for me...for Shawn...for our little man. That while we were yet sinners HE died for me...went to hell for me...and sits at my Father's right waiting for me.
I heard this song this morning...it just seems to fit.
Thinking back to Easter growing up it was a big deal...Still is in my mind. Being raised Lutheran we went to church every Wednesday during Lent then Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Sunrise service on Easter out to breakfast and then BACK to church for the 11AM service. Being the youngest of four kids & going to a church that did not have "Kids Classes" I did not enjoy sitting still that long but I did enjoy the family time that week created for me. I always loved when we were all together.
One of my favorite services of all year was the Good Friday service. At the end of the sermon when the Pastor was done teaching on what happened that night so many years ago the lights would get dimmer and dimmer until it was completely dark. After reading from the Gospels he would end with the room completely dark and say "It IS finished!" Slam the big giant Bible was reading from closed. It was crazy silent. And everyone would leave in the stillness and the darkness. No one spoke. We just all got in our cars and left.
This year was a year I hope I never forget. This year right in the middle of the week Wednesday was our permanent custody hearing. I barely slept Monday or Tuesday night between a sick baby and praying I didn't get much rest. Birth-mom contacted the paternal grandparents a few weeks back. She asked if she could see the 2 yr old and said she was going to do whatever it took to get the baby back. We've been fasting and praying for little man's safety. We have been praying for God's will to be done & to protect little man from any harm. She even had the nerve to show up at the paternal grandparents house the day before court. Saying many things that weren't true about what she had done and was going to do through the state.
My heart hurts for her yet I'm angry at her. I see this child that someone must have mistreated and never gave a chance to. So now she is caught in a vicious cycle...but angry for being an adult and NOT stopping it. Maybe no one has ever told her she could or about her Savior
Wednesday @ 10 was our date. PC hearing means that all rights of parents that are involved can be terminated. The judge could rule that day, he could request an actual trial or he could take weeks to review the case and then make a decision. We were there by 9:40 AM and set with the GAL and talked small talk until it was time for him to go back. He said not to be surprised he believed he had seem the birth mom there but he had only met her once & wasn't for sure.
At 10:02 they called us back to the court room. Went back out and called any other parties pertaining to *the baby's name* to come forward.
No one came. No grandmother...No Birth-mother...No Birth-father...No one...
They came back in closed the door and started.
Sitting next to the GAL's boss I was trying to sit still & act professional . When they closed the door she said softly. "Oh well that's not good." I answered back softly thinking maybe she was talking to me..."what's not good? Is everything ok?" She didn't respond.
About 15 mins in the GAL's boss leans over to me and said "Take a breath. You have already won."
Right then and there I was overwhelmed with emotion. Seriously almost became a sobbing mess right there. Shawn grabbed my hand. I was reminded where I was and it probably wouldn't be a good thing for me to react that way in where I was.
After the Caseworker left the stand they talk to the other attorney & the GAL. Then the judge said I will make my decision.
We found out this Friday on Good Friday that It Is Finished...
The parental right have been severed. He was declared abandoned. Permanent Custody has been granted to the state for our little man.
We can now move forward with declaring him our son.
I am thankful that while he was "declared" he will never have know the feeling of being abandoned.
Overwhelmed by so many things this past week. I have been overwhelmed with excitement, tears, love, joy, sadness (for the birth family).
This being Easter weekend I just kept thinking how overwhelmed I was by God's love for me...for Shawn...for our little man. That while we were yet sinners HE died for me...went to hell for me...and sits at my Father's right waiting for me.
I heard this song this morning...it just seems to fit.
Foster Care,
Little Man,
Permanent Custody
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
New things!
Just wanted to jot somethings down so I don't forget how much I love him and all the cute things he does.
-He loves to scare people...He can't say BOO so he says AHHH! And laughs HYSTERICALLY when you jump.
- He knows what a Duck and a Motorcycle says. He says "Bye dogs" and "good girls" when talking about the dogs. LOVES LOVES LOVES Harley! He will lay on her just to chill and loves to play with her ears.
- He is letting go when he pulls up & will even hold a cup and drink from it with out holding on but has NOT taken his first steps. I pray Shawn & I are both there when he does.
-He loves to cuddle at night and in the am.
We had his 1 yr old pictures and drs appointment last week. Can't wait to post his cuteness in picture form on here. He weighs 22 pounds and is 32 inches long. As the dr said he is perfect in every way!
I love him!
I can't wait for the day to call him my son!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
There is ALWAYS something to rejoice in, pray for & give thanks for!
Today...March 4th was suppose to be our PC hearing...We were suppose to be celebrating the next step in adopting our son...BUT birth mom has a new "confined" location as of this weekend. Knowing where she is by law they must serve her papers. Birth dad is pitching a fit the his parents wanting them to take him. They say they can't...I've lived with this little man for a year...As much as I love him IT IS HARD WORK! For some people who are in their mid-50's to 70's with health concerns being up all hours of the night loving a screaming teething child on less than 2 hrs of sleep is hard work! I get so stuck on knowing how to pray. I don't want to pray selfishly.
I honestly do want what is best for this little man. My heart aches for him! I know that I know that I know this is not going to be an easy road...either way...but I know that I know that I know God has put him in our lives for a reason. I know he is a world changer. I know that God has a plan for him! It is one of prosperity & hope! Today I have to focus on 3 things...
Rejoice always! Father I rejoice because you are a Father that loves me unconditionally! You love this little man of God MORE than I do! I know you have his best interest at heart! I with out a doubt KNOW you have dreams for him that will be wild & crazy! That's why you have chosen US to be part of his world!
Pray continually! Father you alone know the out come of this chapter of our lives. You are our protector, YOU are our provider! For you created this little man of God in the inner most beings of his mothers womb. I praise you for he is fearfully and wonderfully made! I know that full well! I ask that you continue to protect his destiny and give Shawn & I wisdom on how to raise him and how to handle each and every step of this process. Provide us with strength, peace and continued guidance.
Give THANKS! I thank you that the PC hearing was at 9AM and I didn't have to dwell on this all day. I thank you Father that in a few hours I will leave my job and will pick up our soon to be son, go home to a loving husband and enjoy my evening in a safe and warm home. I thank you Father that your favor sounds us like a shield! I thank you that your ways are better than my ways. I give you all the glory all the honer all the praise to YOU and you alone!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
A year ago...
A year ago today I was struggling to breath knowing that my 3 beauties were going to be going back to where they were taken from. How to explain to a 3 year old that he wasn't going to see mommy & daddy everyday. How do you teach a 9 year old how already struggles GREATLY to practice his spelling and reading by himself. How do you teach a 5 year old to shower by herself and get all the shampoo out. Reminding them all to brush their teeth & hair but most importantly to pray every day whenever they needed anything.
They went back Friday February 9th...We mourned, we cried deeply, we prayed & asked God to reassure us that He really did know what He was doing, we laughed about the memories we made. We had no idea what God had planned.
Sixteen days later our world went from such extreme mourning to the highest high I have known. We met our little man that would change our world. Today we celebrate his 11 month birthday! I didn't know if we'd see this day. I can't wait to plan his adoption Gottcha Day party!
11 Month Statistics
20.12 pounds
24" long
Still sleeps through the night...most nights.
Eats 6oz bottles every 5 hrs & LOVES veggies! Little man you will eat almost anything we offer you. You love fruits too!
LOVES to cuddle in the morning after your bottle
LOVES to crawl everywhere and tries to get in to every cabinet.
LOVES to play & wrestle with the dogs
Does not like to sit still much
Is starting to repeat words. Even in your own way repeated I love you on a road trip. Daddy said "That crap is so cool!!! How'd you teach him that?!" :)
Still smiles and laughs when I sing "HIS" song to him (You are my little man you are so very grand! I love you all the way from your nose to your toes.)
Has met his entire forever family!
Loves to play fetch with anything you can throw!
Loves to play with friends.
Laughs OUT LOUD when you burp or toot . You are such a boy!
Has been off your acid reflux medicine for a week now :)
My little man you are the fulfillment of God's promises to your daddy & I. March 4th is a big day for us. Praying that you will be our son by the end of April! We love you! And thank God daily for every breath you take!
They went back Friday February 9th...We mourned, we cried deeply, we prayed & asked God to reassure us that He really did know what He was doing, we laughed about the memories we made. We had no idea what God had planned.
Sixteen days later our world went from such extreme mourning to the highest high I have known. We met our little man that would change our world. Today we celebrate his 11 month birthday! I didn't know if we'd see this day. I can't wait to plan his adoption Gottcha Day party!
11 Month Statistics
20.12 pounds
24" long
Still sleeps through the night...most nights.
Eats 6oz bottles every 5 hrs & LOVES veggies! Little man you will eat almost anything we offer you. You love fruits too!
LOVES to cuddle in the morning after your bottle
LOVES to crawl everywhere and tries to get in to every cabinet.
LOVES to play & wrestle with the dogs
Does not like to sit still much
Is starting to repeat words. Even in your own way repeated I love you on a road trip. Daddy said "That crap is so cool!!! How'd you teach him that?!" :)
Still smiles and laughs when I sing "HIS" song to him (You are my little man you are so very grand! I love you all the way from your nose to your toes.)
Has met his entire forever family!
Loves to play fetch with anything you can throw!
Loves to play with friends.
Laughs OUT LOUD when you burp or toot . You are such a boy!
Has been off your acid reflux medicine for a week now :)
My little man you are the fulfillment of God's promises to your daddy & I. March 4th is a big day for us. Praying that you will be our son by the end of April! We love you! And thank God daily for every breath you take!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
I'm in love
Call me crazy but There's part of that misses the midnight feedings. I miss his little tininess. I miss how his little mouth made a perfect O when he coooooed.
As I hold him in my arms this morning feeding him his first bottle my heart is overwhelmed with love for our boy. I love how he plays with my hair or my nose while he eats. I love how he sits up and flaps his arms and legs when I pick you up from daycare. I love how he snuggles in to Shawn & I when we pick him up. I love how he tries all the crazy concoction. I love how he says "mama mama" and "dada dada"
I love how God continually reveals his love for me through this little world changer laying in my arms.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Cheeks :)
One of my favorite things about our early morning kiss fests. Is when I'm loving on this almost 7 month old little man, kissing on his chunky monkey cheeks, when I stop he presses his check into my lips as to say don't stop mommy. I continue to kiss on him and he smile and coos.
Can not express my love for him!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
How can this be...
3 months, 90 days, 2,160 hours, 129,600 minutes ago our world changed...and we didn't even know it.
In the beginning I felt like a hypocrite when people would stop me and tell me how cute "my" baby was and ask me about his stats. He was so tiny...My favorite was when people would tell me how good I looked for having a baby that young. It MUST not be your first. Sometimes I would smile and thank them and move on about my day other times I would shock them and tell them that we were foster parents. Inevitably their response would be:
"I don't know how your do it!"
"What are you going to do when you have to give him back?"
"Aren't you attached to him?"
" How are you going to handle it if you don't keep him?"
To which I would reply
"I don't know how either. Only with God's grace"
"Probably Cry."
"INCREDIBLY! Wouldn't you be? Look at the face!"
"I'm not sure but I know that God is in control."
I thought a baby would be easier...it.is.not. While he doesn't say "I love you mommy. Don't leave me mommy. You my favorite mama." The way his smile lights up for me like it does for NO ONE else says it all. The way he snuggles in to me after his last bottle and falls asleep. The peaceful gaze that he gives when I feed him. The way he "talks" to me at bath time and laughs at me when I "buzz" my lips together. Don't get me wrong he giggles and looks and smiles and snuggles with others...it's just a little different with the mama.
We have a long way to go on this road. The journey has just begun...but for today I am able to enjoy the fact that he celebrates his 3 month birthday with us. No cake no party hats or streamers just a song and a lot of hugs and kisses.
Happy Birthday Sweet Love! You have no idea how you've changed my world...
3 Month Statistics
14.1 pounds
23" long
Sleeps through the night...most nights.
Eats 6oz bottles every 4-5 hrs & we just 1 bowl of cereal at night
Is beginning to put himself to sleep
LOVES to sit up
LOVES to watch the dogs
LOVES his play mat that sings to him
LOVES to be talk to
LOVE LOVE LOVES Bath time (next to eating it is his FAVORITE time of day)
Seems to enjoy his first few bowls of cereal
Smiles when I sing "HIS" song t him
Has met his Grandma C, Mimi & Papa
Likes to sit up to watch TV while he burps
Found his fists & LOVES to eat them
Doesn't like to burp but doesn't like the side effects of an upset belly either.
Has yucky acid reflux
"but as for me, I watch in HOPE for the Lord I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me." Micah 7:7
Please be in agreement with us that God will move quickly in this case & praying for HIS will to be accomplished. I am at peace knowing He already knows the ending of the story. But I have to remember sometimes moment by moment...there is a God and it is NOT me!
In the beginning I felt like a hypocrite when people would stop me and tell me how cute "my" baby was and ask me about his stats. He was so tiny...My favorite was when people would tell me how good I looked for having a baby that young. It MUST not be your first. Sometimes I would smile and thank them and move on about my day other times I would shock them and tell them that we were foster parents. Inevitably their response would be:
"I don't know how your do it!"
"What are you going to do when you have to give him back?"
"Aren't you attached to him?"
" How are you going to handle it if you don't keep him?"
To which I would reply
"I don't know how either. Only with God's grace"
"Probably Cry."
"INCREDIBLY! Wouldn't you be? Look at the face!"
"I'm not sure but I know that God is in control."
I thought a baby would be easier...it.is.not. While he doesn't say "I love you mommy. Don't leave me mommy. You my favorite mama." The way his smile lights up for me like it does for NO ONE else says it all. The way he snuggles in to me after his last bottle and falls asleep. The peaceful gaze that he gives when I feed him. The way he "talks" to me at bath time and laughs at me when I "buzz" my lips together. Don't get me wrong he giggles and looks and smiles and snuggles with others...it's just a little different with the mama.
We have a long way to go on this road. The journey has just begun...but for today I am able to enjoy the fact that he celebrates his 3 month birthday with us. No cake no party hats or streamers just a song and a lot of hugs and kisses.
Happy Birthday Sweet Love! You have no idea how you've changed my world...
3 Month Statistics
14.1 pounds
23" long
Sleeps through the night...most nights.
Eats 6oz bottles every 4-5 hrs & we just 1 bowl of cereal at night
Is beginning to put himself to sleep
LOVES to sit up
LOVES to watch the dogs
LOVES his play mat that sings to him
LOVES to be talk to
LOVE LOVE LOVES Bath time (next to eating it is his FAVORITE time of day)
Seems to enjoy his first few bowls of cereal
Smiles when I sing "HIS" song t him
Has met his Grandma C, Mimi & Papa
Likes to sit up to watch TV while he burps
Found his fists & LOVES to eat them
Doesn't like to burp but doesn't like the side effects of an upset belly either.
Has yucky acid reflux
"but as for me, I watch in HOPE for the Lord I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me." Micah 7:7
Please be in agreement with us that God will move quickly in this case & praying for HIS will to be accomplished. I am at peace knowing He already knows the ending of the story. But I have to remember sometimes moment by moment...there is a God and it is NOT me!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Within 24 hours God has had me teach on 1 Samuel 3 to my Elementary Kids
During my morning devotions brought me to Hebrews 4:1-13
Reminded me of Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 20:8
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I think He might be trying to tell me something.
-a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities
-freedom from activity or labor
-a state of motionlessness or inactivity
-peace of mind or spirit (My favorite)
With a 8 week old, a growing changing ministry, 3 beautiful beauties that we have every other weekend, a home, a husband & a family rest can be difficult.
He has designed me after His own likeness. Who am I to think that if the God of creation needed rest that I don't . I don't purposely NOT rest. It just comes difficult to this ADD girl. I want to be all who He has created me to be. I don't want to waste one moment of what He's given me. All of that sounds good but honestly I just crave rest.
With my mom here now (which I am so thankful for) the only down time I have is in the car driving somewhere when she is at home taking care of the baby. I pray for God to speak to me and through me but was reminded while teaching on 1 Samuel that He can't when I can't be still in Him. When I can't rest in His presence. Doing what I do there is no corporate worship time or time of rest in a Sunday morning service. With 98 monthly volunteers needed it's difficult to stay still during a service.
Daily, sometimes moment by moment, I have to remember to give all of my needs to God. My peace and rest is found in Him alone. I am clearly aware of my neediness of Him. I am thankful for His continued gift of grace and abundant peace.
I CAN NOT DO THIS LIFE without you Father! I declare need you! I need your peace your grace your love. Thank you for loving me in spite of my daily failures. Thank you for loving me regardless of how I preform. Please continue to help my find peace and rest.
During my morning devotions brought me to Hebrews 4:1-13
Reminded me of Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 20:8
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I think He might be trying to tell me something.
REST: noun-a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities
-freedom from activity or labor
-a state of motionlessness or inactivity
-peace of mind or spirit (My favorite)
With a 8 week old, a growing changing ministry, 3 beautiful beauties that we have every other weekend, a home, a husband & a family rest can be difficult.
He has designed me after His own likeness. Who am I to think that if the God of creation needed rest that I don't . I don't purposely NOT rest. It just comes difficult to this ADD girl. I want to be all who He has created me to be. I don't want to waste one moment of what He's given me. All of that sounds good but honestly I just crave rest.
With my mom here now (which I am so thankful for) the only down time I have is in the car driving somewhere when she is at home taking care of the baby. I pray for God to speak to me and through me but was reminded while teaching on 1 Samuel that He can't when I can't be still in Him. When I can't rest in His presence. Doing what I do there is no corporate worship time or time of rest in a Sunday morning service. With 98 monthly volunteers needed it's difficult to stay still during a service.
Daily, sometimes moment by moment, I have to remember to give all of my needs to God. My peace and rest is found in Him alone. I am clearly aware of my neediness of Him. I am thankful for His continued gift of grace and abundant peace.
I CAN NOT DO THIS LIFE without you Father! I declare need you! I need your peace your grace your love. Thank you for loving me in spite of my daily failures. Thank you for loving me regardless of how I preform. Please continue to help my find peace and rest.

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Yep I'm done
I had a really rough Sunday in the ministry this past week. This morning after seeking God's face this week in why I do what I do and when He might let me out of this commitment I sat down trying to figure out my resignation letter...I came across this Resignation Letter. I have changed somethings to make it my own but it lead me to the realization that I.AM.DONE. I will not manipulate this ministry to be what I THINK God or my pastor or the children or the parents want it to be. I will surrender it fully to what God desires it to be...daily...
To My Pastor, Staff & Church family,
After much prayer and consideration, I have made a private
decision I need to make public here today.
Effective immediately, I am resigning as the leader of our
church children’s ministry.
I know that this may come has huge surprise to many. You may
wonder why I am taking this drastic measure to surrender my position. The
answer is simple: The challenges of leadership here are simply more than I can
currently handle. It is difficult for me to admit, but I have been in over my
head for some time now. I am inadequate to lead this children’s ministry and
must surrender my position.
I simply cannot do it alone or be in charge any more. For a long
time, I have carried the burden, the debt, the decisions, the pain and the
weight of trying to lead this Cathedral’s children’s ministry to greatness.
I thought for a long time that I could do it. I thought I
could turn it around. I thought that I could help it grow and reach more families.
I thought I was capable of leading our team of leaders in accomplishing great
things. I have worked hard to discipline and grow myself as a leader and
visionary for our children’s ministry.
More so than ever before God has shown me that I am not the person
for this job. For this reason I have made the decision to resign and surrender my
leadership position.
All that being said, I have no plans to leave the church.
I just don't want to be the leader anymore. My plan is to
continue to serve here, and you will see me around. I may not be as visible,
but I will be here. Don't be alarmed by this. When new leadership is securely
in place, I promise to you as a church
family: I will follow His leadership.
In fact, I have no intentions of resigning from my actual
position as Children’s Pastor of our church. I am confident that God called me
here for a purpose. I know for today that God has called me to be children’s
pastor of this church. Therefore, I am not resigning from my position.
I am simply resigning from any desire to be THE
LEADER of the children’s
That is not my rightful place. My Father is and I am accountable
to live under His leadership and authority. I confess to you that this has
often not been the case. I have assumed His authority. I have disobeyed His
I have done what I wanted to do at the expense of what He has
told me to do. For that, I am sorry. I have already repented to God. Today, I apologize
to you.
This will not be my last resignation.
My tendency will be to try to take over and manipulate exactly what
God has asked me to do in our children’s ministry here at Cathedral of Life
from time to time. I will unconsciously try to steal His glory and His position
again. So I plan to make resignation as a leader of this church more a daily
practice in my life and ministry.
In fact, I think it will be important for all of us to remember
that God is the Leader of this church. No matter how long we have been at this
church or how long we have been Christians, it would be mistake not to call
everyone accountable as the head of this church other than God Himself. There
is not one of us here on staff or sitting here today that deserves to be in
charge of His church.
Honestly, there are some others out there who think they are. Others
of us wish we were. For that, we all need to repent.
This letter serves as notice that every single church leader
that calls our church home needs to surrender their resignations as well.
There is not one of us that has the right to lead this church.
None of us can hold on to leadership if we want our church to be successful. We
all must surrender control of our leadership. We have all held on to status,
position and control too long.
This is not our church or our children’s ministry. It belongs to
Jesus. We all must surrender our leadership positions regularly.
As you surrender your leadership roles, let me encourage you by
saying that every time I resign, the craziest thing happens:
An amazing
transformation happens in my life.
I feel liberated. My burdens feel lighter.
I feel a sense of incredible relief.
I feel relieved to know that I don't have to be the one who changes the
world or this church.
I feel relieved to know that I don't have to envision the future
for our children’s ministry.
That IS HIS job. I feel relieved to know that I don't have to
make things happen through brilliant strategy, leadership or clever preaching.
Life changing is His job. I wish I had never taken that job away from Him. He
is so much more capable than I am.
I'm sorry I ever took that role away from Him as well.
I have resigned. I surrender. I'll keep on resigning &
surrendering daily. Why? So God can do immeasurably more than I could ever ask
or imagine in and through my life and build HIS church THROUGH me! If that
sounds desirable to you, would you join me in surrendering your resignation today?
My Father has
asked me to surrender faithfully
& fully only to Him. It is my dependency on God not my dependency on my
ability that he can use. He has called me
to this position He WILL provide.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Hold On Tight
A week ago today started off a little different than normal. It was sunny and in Ohio during the winter that is very very odd. I was so thankful for the sun beaming in the car as I drove to work not knowing what God had planned for me that day.
Around 11 AM I received a phone call from a BLOCKED number. When I see that it means that Job & Family Services is trying to call me. As I answered the phone I noticed that I had missed 3 other phone calls from them starting at 9 AM.
Our caseworker on the other end said, "Kara did you get my messages?"
I said, "No I'm sorry. I had left my phone on my desk and it is on silent and I've had people in my office this morning."
She said "I need to know if you and Shawn are interested in placement of a newborn. He is 3 days old and you'd be picking him up from the hospital. You guys were the first people we thought of when we knew he needed placement. He does have potential paternal grandparents that may be interested if they can qualify. I am not sure about the length of placement."
I wonder how long I set quiet on the phone. My response was "Can I call Shawn and call you right back?"
Caseworker responded..."Absolutely!" Shawn's response was exactly the same as the caseworkers.
The next few hours were a blur. My friend (mother of four boys ages 5 mths - 7 yrs) went with me to pick up this new little man. I had been to that hospital's maternity ward many times but never to take a baby home with me. My friend asked questions that only a mom would know to ask. So thankful she came.
They even made me ride out in a wheelchair. So many emotions in this picture and the days to come. I was smiling on the outside but one the inside I kept thinking "if you drop this baby they are not going to let you take him home. HOLD ON TIGHT!" among many many other things.
Let me put this out there. This beautiful gift does in no way remove the pain of our three amazingly beautiful 3 going home. There are no promises as to how long this little man will be with us but I know my Father has a plan not only for this little mans life but for Shawn & mine as well.
"God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and trust” ― A.W. Tozer
...hold on tight...
Around 11 AM I received a phone call from a BLOCKED number. When I see that it means that Job & Family Services is trying to call me. As I answered the phone I noticed that I had missed 3 other phone calls from them starting at 9 AM.
Our caseworker on the other end said, "Kara did you get my messages?"
I said, "No I'm sorry. I had left my phone on my desk and it is on silent and I've had people in my office this morning."
She said "I need to know if you and Shawn are interested in placement of a newborn. He is 3 days old and you'd be picking him up from the hospital. You guys were the first people we thought of when we knew he needed placement. He does have potential paternal grandparents that may be interested if they can qualify. I am not sure about the length of placement."
I wonder how long I set quiet on the phone. My response was "Can I call Shawn and call you right back?"
Caseworker responded..."Absolutely!" Shawn's response was exactly the same as the caseworkers.
The next few hours were a blur. My friend (mother of four boys ages 5 mths - 7 yrs) went with me to pick up this new little man. I had been to that hospital's maternity ward many times but never to take a baby home with me. My friend asked questions that only a mom would know to ask. So thankful she came.
They even made me ride out in a wheelchair. So many emotions in this picture and the days to come. I was smiling on the outside but one the inside I kept thinking "if you drop this baby they are not going to let you take him home. HOLD ON TIGHT!" among many many other things.
Let me put this out there. This beautiful gift does in no way remove the pain of our three amazingly beautiful 3 going home. There are no promises as to how long this little man will be with us but I know my Father has a plan not only for this little mans life but for Shawn & mine as well.
"God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and trust” ― A.W. Tozer
...hold on tight...
Monday, February 18, 2013
Our Weekend & My Top 10
I could not wait for Saturday morning to get here.
We picked up the kids at 8:15 Saturday morning and had a fun day together. They spent the night and went to church with us on Sunday. We had lunch with our friends. 4 couples, 1 grandma & 12 kids...We were definitely out numbered. After that we took them to build a bear. Then back to their moms house.
It was a fun weekend. Lots of things have changed. My love deep heart wrenching love has not. It was still hard to say good bye. I didn't cry until I got in the car this time! Yea Me! Still sad to know what could have been. It's hard to watch them struggle emotionally. They don't understand what's happening. I know their mom loves them...as much as she can...Just not sure she doesn't love herself more. I am thankful I don't have to stand in judge of that at the end of time. I'm only responsible for me and how I respond to things.
So after my husband and I dropped off the kids, got into a mean disagreement about the kids directly related to our pain I came back to work and made a top 10 list of WHY we do what we do. In no particular order...
1. Because I just get kids.
2. I love kids.
3. I love watching my husband with kids and how it changes his rough meanness to fun, laughter & love.
4. I love watching kids grow physically spiritually, emotionally, socially.
5. We are called to love as Jesus loved. I know He loved kids best :)
6. It heals my heart to be an aide in their healing. I've seen the same in my husband even if he won't admit it.
7. It been a blessing to us in many many ways
8. I love the way it draws me & my husband closer to each other like nothing else has ever done in 15 years.
9. We have a lot to offer a child & We have a lot to learn from a child.
10. God has given us the privilege to help impact lives.
It is painful to love. God has called me to do 2 things to love Him & to love them (others). I look at Jesus' life as an example. I can't imagine the pain He must have felt loving people and I realize 2 things.
...if it didn't hurt I wouldn't have love like He asked me to.
...what He has called me to do is NOT an easy thing but He has asked me anyways.
Praying for my husband a lot lately...praying God touches his heart. Men like to fix and he can't. Men do NOT like to have lack of control. He has none. I can't understand how hard this must be for him as a man. I just pray he knows I love him & that God loves him MORE!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Sums It Up
That one word sums it up for me right now...HOPE...
~May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with~
~HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.~Romans 15:13
Hope...I have to...I CHOOSE to.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Melts my heart
I can't believe they aren't here to hug and hold and kiss each night.
Found a picture that Logan (3) drew for me. He said "mommy it's my heart for you!" 10/2/11
Those three will always have my heart!
Found a picture that Logan (3) drew for me. He said "mommy it's my heart for you!" 10/2/11
Those three will always have my heart!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Today is one of those days where I want to pull the covers up over my head and scream "I don't wanna!! I don't wanna! And you CAN'T make me!!!"
I want to stay in bed until my heart doesn't hurt anymore. Till my heart is filled with the happiness I had a month ago. Till I feel rested. Until this season is over...
...because watching my dreams die is so unbelievably painful.
But for now I have to get up and remember...
~it's not about me...it's about HIM
~ the JOY of the Lord is my strength
~ I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
~ testing of my faith produces perseverance
It's time to get ready for work. Father I pray for YOUR strength to come alive in me. I pray for wisdom grace and guidance. Give me your ears to hear...your eyes to see...your hands when I touch...your feet when I go....and your mouth to speak your words...thank you Father for knowing me 1st knowing BEST and loving me MOST. In spite of my imperfections.
I want to stay in bed until my heart doesn't hurt anymore. Till my heart is filled with the happiness I had a month ago. Till I feel rested. Until this season is over...
...because watching my dreams die is so unbelievably painful.
But for now I have to get up and remember...
~it's not about me...it's about HIM
~ the JOY of the Lord is my strength
~ I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
~ testing of my faith produces perseverance
It's time to get ready for work. Father I pray for YOUR strength to come alive in me. I pray for wisdom grace and guidance. Give me your ears to hear...your eyes to see...your hands when I touch...your feet when I go....and your mouth to speak your words...thank you Father for knowing me 1st knowing BEST and loving me MOST. In spite of my imperfections.
Monday, January 28, 2013
I woke up to a startling realization of something this morning. I cleaned the bathroom this weekend. This morning when I got out of the shower I realized...it's still clean...no tooth paste on the mirror. No trash 1/2 thrown away.
It's clean.
To some that would be a wonderful thing. To me it means my beautiful 3 are not with me. I miss them. I'd clean the bathroom everyday twice a day to have them home.
Father this morning I ask you to send you comforting heart to hold mine. Please protect & provide for those 3 beauties. Give them wisdom & understanding beyond their years. Help them process. Help us process. Remind mind them of memories and lesson learned while with us. I thank you and praise you for their lives, for our lives together! What a blessing they are to so many.
It's clean.
To some that would be a wonderful thing. To me it means my beautiful 3 are not with me. I miss them. I'd clean the bathroom everyday twice a day to have them home.
Father this morning I ask you to send you comforting heart to hold mine. Please protect & provide for those 3 beauties. Give them wisdom & understanding beyond their years. Help them process. Help us process. Remind mind them of memories and lesson learned while with us. I thank you and praise you for their lives, for our lives together! What a blessing they are to so many.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Joy Unspeakable
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)
They must turn from evil and do good; they must SEEK peace and PURSUE it. (1 Peter 3:11 NIV)
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5 NIV)
After I dropped the older two off with their grandfather yesterday I went to a parking lot and cried. Cried from the moment I said "see you in the morning" till the moment I walked in the doors at home. I sat in the parking lot for an hour trying to make myself stop crying. My heart was grief stricken like when my father died.
I prayed for peace in the parking lot. I prayed for Gods wisdom on how to grieve and for guidance. I prayed for protection of their minds, their souls, their lives, their hearts. I prayed for courage for them. I prayed for their family...that they realize the gift(s) that they have been blessed with. I prayed for endurance. I prayed do deal with this withOUT tears.
Songs began to rise from within me.
"Joy unspeakable that wont go away. Just enough faith to live for today. I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring. My faith is on solid rock...I'm counting on God."
"It will be my Joy to say YOUR will YOUR way...always"
I came home from work early last night. The tears just wouldn't stay away. Not sobbing just flowing. When I walked through the doors I have a three year old leaping for joy that I was home.
"Mommy's home!!!! Yeah!! I missed you mommy!!!" He was exclaiming as he jumped into my arms.
"Daddy & I got pizza! Come eat with me!" He said.
I relished every moment of the evening with him. Feeling so blessed. Feeling so much joy in the mist of my aching heart.
God has reminded me of so many things lately.
#1 What I've asked of you is not easy. But I've asked you anyways.
#2 If it wasn't painful you wouldn't have loved like Jesus loved.
With that I realize that mourning will be just a season but how I respond is important.
He is a fulfiller of promises. He is not man that he should lie. He is my Father and He loves me first He loves me most & He knows me best.
They must turn from evil and do good; they must SEEK peace and PURSUE it. (1 Peter 3:11 NIV)
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5 NIV)
After I dropped the older two off with their grandfather yesterday I went to a parking lot and cried. Cried from the moment I said "see you in the morning" till the moment I walked in the doors at home. I sat in the parking lot for an hour trying to make myself stop crying. My heart was grief stricken like when my father died.
I prayed for peace in the parking lot. I prayed for Gods wisdom on how to grieve and for guidance. I prayed for protection of their minds, their souls, their lives, their hearts. I prayed for courage for them. I prayed for their family...that they realize the gift(s) that they have been blessed with. I prayed for endurance. I prayed do deal with this withOUT tears.
Songs began to rise from within me.
"Joy unspeakable that wont go away. Just enough faith to live for today. I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring. My faith is on solid rock...I'm counting on God."
"It will be my Joy to say YOUR will YOUR way...always"
I came home from work early last night. The tears just wouldn't stay away. Not sobbing just flowing. When I walked through the doors I have a three year old leaping for joy that I was home.
"Mommy's home!!!! Yeah!! I missed you mommy!!!" He was exclaiming as he jumped into my arms.
"Daddy & I got pizza! Come eat with me!" He said.
I relished every moment of the evening with him. Feeling so blessed. Feeling so much joy in the mist of my aching heart.
God has reminded me of so many things lately.
#1 What I've asked of you is not easy. But I've asked you anyways.
#2 If it wasn't painful you wouldn't have loved like Jesus loved.
With that I realize that mourning will be just a season but how I respond is important.
He is a fulfiller of promises. He is not man that he should lie. He is my Father and He loves me first He loves me most & He knows me best.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
And so it begins.
one year...ten months...six days...everything changes....
The older two will begin their transition back to their moms house today after school. We had dinner for the last time as our family. We laughed together watching AFV for the last time as our family. We said prayers and sang praises for one final time together.
I can't help but have tear streaming from my eyes.
We had a 2 am wake up call with bad dreams...
We had a 4 am wake up call for the potty...
Yet another 4:32 am wake up call to blow a nose & to pray the bad dreams away.
And that was just LAST night.
As much as I love them with every part of my being...I have to daily make a choice to realize I am not their protector. God is! I am not their provider. God is!
He will always do a much better job than I would. I am thankful and grateful for each and every moment with them. I pray that their faith roots will develop quickly and run deep.
I love them more than I ever thought I possibly could. I can't imagine how much God loves them...and me.
Thank you Father for choosing me for these three even if it were just for a moment.
one year...ten months...six days...it feels like forever...but gone in just a moment.
The older two will begin their transition back to their moms house today after school. We had dinner for the last time as our family. We laughed together watching AFV for the last time as our family. We said prayers and sang praises for one final time together.
I can't help but have tear streaming from my eyes.
We had a 2 am wake up call with bad dreams...
We had a 4 am wake up call for the potty...
Yet another 4:32 am wake up call to blow a nose & to pray the bad dreams away.
And that was just LAST night.
As much as I love them with every part of my being...I have to daily make a choice to realize I am not their protector. God is! I am not their provider. God is!
He will always do a much better job than I would. I am thankful and grateful for each and every moment with them. I pray that their faith roots will develop quickly and run deep.
I love them more than I ever thought I possibly could. I can't imagine how much God loves them...and me.
Thank you Father for choosing me for these three even if it were just for a moment.
one year...ten months...six days...it feels like forever...but gone in just a moment.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Got to have the Faith the FAITH THE FAITH...
Faith by George Michael use to be one of my sisters favorite songs.
God knows how much I just love to read. Actually he know just how sarcastic I am as well. I've challenged my self to read 8 books this year. I dislike reading but I love knowledge. I love the book I'm reading right now. "Greater" by Steven Furtick.
He talks about living a GREATER life. Something more than just ordinary. I have been questioning lately why I do what I do. While I love it...I feel so inadequate. Daily. I've found if I don't keep myself focused on who I am than I find myself, my faith, my confidence shrinking at an extremely fast pace. One thing that I continue to learn is that my faith is only what I make it. You don't just drift in to faith.
Faith is action...Faith is work...
“Consider whats at steak.
Greater authority and confidence in God than you’ve ever known
Greater clarity of your identity and your calling
Greater purpose as you approach everyday tasks
Greater joy in knowing that you’re in the sweet spot of God’s blessing
Greater influence over the people around you
Greater impact in the world."
“If you are a woman of faith, you need to live a life that requires faith. You’ve been talking about faith, but you are a mastermind at maneuvering so that you don’t have to have any faith at all”
“a big dream without a small start is nothing but a daydream. God initiates the biggest changes in our lives through the smallest starts.”
Excerpt From: Furtick, Steven. “Greater.” Multnomah Books, 2012-09-04. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
I don't know that God has planned for Shawn & I with these beautiful 3, in ohio, our jobs, or for the next 5 years but I do know I don't want to be ordinary any more. I was never born to fit in. I want to be the extraordinary that God created me to be.
God knows how much I just love to read. Actually he know just how sarcastic I am as well. I've challenged my self to read 8 books this year. I dislike reading but I love knowledge. I love the book I'm reading right now. "Greater" by Steven Furtick.
He talks about living a GREATER life. Something more than just ordinary. I have been questioning lately why I do what I do. While I love it...I feel so inadequate. Daily. I've found if I don't keep myself focused on who I am than I find myself, my faith, my confidence shrinking at an extremely fast pace. One thing that I continue to learn is that my faith is only what I make it. You don't just drift in to faith.
Faith is action...Faith is work...
“Consider whats at steak.
Greater authority and confidence in God than you’ve ever known
Greater clarity of your identity and your calling
Greater purpose as you approach everyday tasks
Greater joy in knowing that you’re in the sweet spot of God’s blessing
Greater influence over the people around you
Greater impact in the world."
“If you are a woman of faith, you need to live a life that requires faith. You’ve been talking about faith, but you are a mastermind at maneuvering so that you don’t have to have any faith at all”
“a big dream without a small start is nothing but a daydream. God initiates the biggest changes in our lives through the smallest starts.”
Excerpt From: Furtick, Steven. “Greater.” Multnomah Books, 2012-09-04. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
I don't know that God has planned for Shawn & I with these beautiful 3, in ohio, our jobs, or for the next 5 years but I do know I don't want to be ordinary any more. I was never born to fit in. I want to be the extraordinary that God created me to be.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I have been reading this book by Steven Furtick entitled Greater. Here's an excerpt of what the chapters read today.
“God, whatever the greater life You are calling me into might look like, I’m in. Whether it’s a big thing or a small thing You call me to do, I believe it will be a greater thing because You’re the One who is calling and You are greater than all things. Whether the greater life means leaving something behind or becoming more passionate about where I am, I’ve decided to follow You.
“Here’s my life, Lord. It’s open ended. And it’s pointed in the direction of the next step You call me to take. No matter what it costs.”
This year my new year's resolution is is to thrive instead of just survive the year. I want the greater things God has for me in my personal walk with Him, in my marriage, in my relationships with others, in my everyday life. He is able todo immeasurably more...not just a little more...than I can even imagine! That blows my mind. I pray that He gives me eyes to see His vision for my life, ears to hear Him crystal clear and courage to step into what He is asking of me.
“God, whatever the greater life You are calling me into might look like, I’m in. Whether it’s a big thing or a small thing You call me to do, I believe it will be a greater thing because You’re the One who is calling and You are greater than all things. Whether the greater life means leaving something behind or becoming more passionate about where I am, I’ve decided to follow You.
“Here’s my life, Lord. It’s open ended. And it’s pointed in the direction of the next step You call me to take. No matter what it costs.”
This year my new year's resolution is is to thrive instead of just survive the year. I want the greater things God has for me in my personal walk with Him, in my marriage, in my relationships with others, in my everyday life. He is able todo immeasurably more...not just a little more...than I can even imagine! That blows my mind. I pray that He gives me eyes to see His vision for my life, ears to hear Him crystal clear and courage to step into what He is asking of me.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I was speaking to one of my friends that I have the pleasure of working with today about the past year. He said he was excited about the new year and about camp season...for most people there are 4 seasons...Winter Spring Summer & Fall.
Where we come from there is Winter, Spring, Camp, VBS, Camp, Summer, Fall.
We were talking about the past years successes and failures. I said that I want to thrive this year and not just survive this year. I want to enjoy the journey not just not just hold it together. A year of exponential growth. Not settling but continued growth. I spoke of missed opportunities, figuring out how to use that God's given me effectively, how to grow to be who God's creating me to be, finding balance with so much emotional things going on especially with the kids...yada yada yada
I received a txt of later today that said...
4 signs of growth...
1. Recognizing missed opportunities
2.Utilizing the resources you already have
3. Processing the ability to objectively analyzing one's performance
4. Spiritual mental and emotional balance.
So thankful that God has blessed me with friends who encourage.
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
Where we come from there is Winter, Spring, Camp, VBS, Camp, Summer, Fall.
We were talking about the past years successes and failures. I said that I want to thrive this year and not just survive this year. I want to enjoy the journey not just not just hold it together. A year of exponential growth. Not settling but continued growth. I spoke of missed opportunities, figuring out how to use that God's given me effectively, how to grow to be who God's creating me to be, finding balance with so much emotional things going on especially with the kids...yada yada yada
I received a txt of later today that said...
4 signs of growth...
1. Recognizing missed opportunities
2.Utilizing the resources you already have
3. Processing the ability to objectively analyzing one's performance
4. Spiritual mental and emotional balance.
So thankful that God has blessed me with friends who encourage.
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Trust me seems a WHOLE lot easier when I say it to the kids then when God says it to me.
Every time I pray about the kids and the situation the answer I get is simply
"Trust Me."
Ashamed I admit I've asked "Are you SURE you have their & my best interest in mind?"
Once again I am reminded to be still and know that HE is God and I am not. I must trust Him. He so gently reminds me over and over,
"Kara I am the one who put you here, put the children where I did & I am the one who will carry you through. Do not try to take this and manipulate it to what you desire this to be. My plans are so much greater than you plan. Surrender these children & your desires to me daily."
Obedience is so difficult. Complete surrender is crazy difficult.
Please pray that we have wisdom on what to say and when to say it. To the professionals, the family, the children. Pray that we continue to surrender and obey with every step each day. Pray that God strengthens us daily. Pray that we have indescribable peace and reassurance that only comes from Him.
The kids start overnight visits with their mom again this week. She doesn't always seem to tell the truth but does a very good job of telling people what they like to hear. I wrestle with the need to constantly point our that she is lying about certain things or just waiting and hoping the right people notice.
Let the emotional roller coaster of these three begin...again...
Every time I pray about the kids and the situation the answer I get is simply
"Trust Me."
Ashamed I admit I've asked "Are you SURE you have their & my best interest in mind?"
Once again I am reminded to be still and know that HE is God and I am not. I must trust Him. He so gently reminds me over and over,
"Kara I am the one who put you here, put the children where I did & I am the one who will carry you through. Do not try to take this and manipulate it to what you desire this to be. My plans are so much greater than you plan. Surrender these children & your desires to me daily."
Obedience is so difficult. Complete surrender is crazy difficult.
Please pray that we have wisdom on what to say and when to say it. To the professionals, the family, the children. Pray that we continue to surrender and obey with every step each day. Pray that God strengthens us daily. Pray that we have indescribable peace and reassurance that only comes from Him.
The kids start overnight visits with their mom again this week. She doesn't always seem to tell the truth but does a very good job of telling people what they like to hear. I wrestle with the need to constantly point our that she is lying about certain things or just waiting and hoping the right people notice.
Let the emotional roller coaster of these three begin...again...
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Fulfiller of dreams
Thank you Father for being the fulfilled of dreams. This past weekend was one I don't think I will ever forget.
The kids didn't believe us when we told them that we were going to Florida. They screamed when they finally did. It was on of those weekends I have dreamed of since I was a kid.
I was able to see all of my family and the kids were so good. Everyone just ate them up. We went to Busch Gardens on Friday. Saturday & Sunday we went to Disney.
My husband was amazing. Nothing like my father at theme parks. He loves watching them enjoy every moment. He enjoyed every moment. He rode dumbo & Pirates of the Caribbean as well as a few other rides. He was just so loving and accepting of the SUPER long days.
We had a great time every moment of every day. The only problem is now I really can not attempt to imagine a moment with out my three sleeping beauties!
So thankful that my FATHER is a promise keeper & a fulfilled of dreams!
The kids didn't believe us when we told them that we were going to Florida. They screamed when they finally did. It was on of those weekends I have dreamed of since I was a kid.
I was able to see all of my family and the kids were so good. Everyone just ate them up. We went to Busch Gardens on Friday. Saturday & Sunday we went to Disney.
My husband was amazing. Nothing like my father at theme parks. He loves watching them enjoy every moment. He enjoyed every moment. He rode dumbo & Pirates of the Caribbean as well as a few other rides. He was just so loving and accepting of the SUPER long days.
We had a great time every moment of every day. The only problem is now I really can not attempt to imagine a moment with out my three sleeping beauties!
So thankful that my FATHER is a promise keeper & a fulfilled of dreams!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
In my wildest dreams
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever believe that I am would be getting ready to do what I am getting ready to do this week.
Our 3 sleeping beauties don't know but we are going to visit my family! Not only are we going to visit them we are going to DISNEY!!!!
No matter what happens in the upcoming months we get to make amazing memories this week!!
So thankful Father for your continued blessings!!!!!!! I love that we get to share this with them!
Our 3 sleeping beauties don't know but we are going to visit my family! Not only are we going to visit them we are going to DISNEY!!!!
No matter what happens in the upcoming months we get to make amazing memories this week!!
So thankful Father for your continued blessings!!!!!!! I love that we get to share this with them!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Long Road
The next six month will be the longest and the hardest six months ever. In the state of Ohio children placed in foster care CAN NOT be in state coustsy any longer than 2 years. That's it...Not two years and one day not two years in 5 mins. TWO YEARS.
We have been blesses with 1 year.6 months.22 days.21hours with 3 AMAZING BEAUTIFUL FUN LOVING children.
I can't imgine my life without them in it. I am soon going to have to. Their mother just told me that after 1 year 6 months 22 days and 21hours she has finally found a place. That was the only thing hold them back from going home. They have changed my life. I have experienced things through them that I never thought I would ever experience.
In 11 days we go Florida to see my family & go to Disney. Just another dream that God is fullfiling. I don't know how I process the sadness that will come with loosing them. But I am thankful for so many memories.
The next 6 months as we see if they will be able to stay with their mother will be the longest 6 months of my life. It's like the Dr. has given my family 6 months to live.
I have said these things to your, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
We have been blesses with 1 year.6 months.22 days.21hours with 3 AMAZING BEAUTIFUL FUN LOVING children.
I can't imgine my life without them in it. I am soon going to have to. Their mother just told me that after 1 year 6 months 22 days and 21hours she has finally found a place. That was the only thing hold them back from going home. They have changed my life. I have experienced things through them that I never thought I would ever experience.
In 11 days we go Florida to see my family & go to Disney. Just another dream that God is fullfiling. I don't know how I process the sadness that will come with loosing them. But I am thankful for so many memories.
The next 6 months as we see if they will be able to stay with their mother will be the longest 6 months of my life. It's like the Dr. has given my family 6 months to live.
I have said these things to your, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Summer
A lot has happened since April. The kids are still with us...for know...I have to remind myself daily that God ALREADY knows the end & apparently he believes I'm strong enough what ever the decision is.
I'm thankful for every moment! Blessed in countless ways.
We went on our second vacation to the beach this summer!! The most exciting part is we are heading to Tampa go add my brother wife & kids! Our kid don't know. :) This is something I've dreamed of for Y.E.A.R.S!
Can't wait!
I'm thankful for every moment! Blessed in countless ways.
We went on our second vacation to the beach this summer!! The most exciting part is we are heading to Tampa go add my brother wife & kids! Our kid don't know. :) This is something I've dreamed of for Y.E.A.R.S!
Can't wait!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday Morning
This morning when I was waking the boys up for school L (3 yrs old) said, "mommy I want to be yellow like a duck & have orange feet!"
Well I guess that's a great way to start out a Monday...knowing what you want. :)
Well I guess that's a great way to start out a Monday...knowing what you want. :)
Monday, April 30, 2012
As I kiss them goodnight & tuck them in for the last before I crawl in to bed I wonder why God choose me to walk this road. I wonder how I am going to make it through the next few months. I never believed I would ever have the opportunity to love this much. With such extreme love will come extreme pain during loss.
The only thing that I can hold on to is my Father who gave me this love will be there to mourn my loss.
I pray that at 3, 5, 9 their lives have been changed in a positive way...I known mine sure has.
Tonight was a good night...and I go to sleep knowing they are safe & sound knowing how much I love them but God loves them more!
The only thing that I can hold on to is my Father who gave me this love will be there to mourn my loss.
I pray that at 3, 5, 9 their lives have been changed in a positive way...I known mine sure has.
Tonight was a good night...and I go to sleep knowing they are safe & sound knowing how much I love them but God loves them more!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
1st Night Away
Shawn & I ran a away last night.
The kids are on their 1st over night visit @ their parent house.
I am thankful we decided to go away. It would have been weird to be home and not have them there. I guess that is a weird that I have to/need to get use to. They are scheduled for reunification the beginning of June. Part of me is soooo happy for them. The other part of me is sad for so many reasons.
Praying for God's grace peace & wisdom to infiltrate my every once of my soul. I do know the only way I'll/we'll make it through this is with God carrying me through.
I don't have the strength...but HE does.
As for today...I'm enjoying the stillness of the morning~sound of the rain of the roof top of our one room cabin in the woods~ and the taste of good coffee.
The kids are on their 1st over night visit @ their parent house.
I am thankful we decided to go away. It would have been weird to be home and not have them there. I guess that is a weird that I have to/need to get use to. They are scheduled for reunification the beginning of June. Part of me is soooo happy for them. The other part of me is sad for so many reasons.
Praying for God's grace peace & wisdom to infiltrate my every once of my soul. I do know the only way I'll/we'll make it through this is with God carrying me through.
I don't have the strength...but HE does.
As for today...I'm enjoying the stillness of the morning~sound of the rain of the roof top of our one room cabin in the woods~ and the taste of good coffee.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Hope? Maybe
One of my biggest struggles lately is figuring out how to fully surrender and hold on to hope. It seems like an oxymoron...I want to hope but I want to surrender. Not sure if I can hold on to hope and live in complete surrender to what God is asking of me.
Is it possible to hope while surrendering? Praying for a clear answer Father.
Is it possible to hope while surrendering? Praying for a clear answer Father.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Little Things
Sometimes it's just the little things that remind me God's there and he cares. I'm in Tulsa for a conference and I've woken up a few times my stomach bothering me and super thirsty. The kind of thirst that only a soda will do. I dig out all my change, $20, a credit card. I walk to the other end of the hall in the middle of the night to get a soda.
Vending Machines in a hotel are expensive...$1.50 for a 20 oz bottle. I have $1.25 in quarters and a couple of dimes. It took my quarters but wouldn't take my dimes. I tried a few and it spit them out at the bottom change return thing.
When I reached down to pick up the 3rd dime there in the change return was another quarter.
Thanks Dad for blessing me.
He's even in the small stuff!
Vending Machines in a hotel are expensive...$1.50 for a 20 oz bottle. I have $1.25 in quarters and a couple of dimes. It took my quarters but wouldn't take my dimes. I tried a few and it spit them out at the bottom change return thing.
When I reached down to pick up the 3rd dime there in the change return was another quarter.
Thanks Dad for blessing me.
He's even in the small stuff!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1st...
It's almost been a year since our world turned upside with 3 beautiful blue eyed beauties. March 17th to be exact.
March 1st offically kicks off a month long celebration at our house!! Between our family & friends we have over 8 birthdays this month!! We'll even have special guest visiting Ohio this month! Grampy comes this weekend for an entire week & then Aunt Kim & Grandma C come the last week of the month for the Spring Break & our 3X birthday party!!
I'm not sure who's more excited...the kids or me :)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
As I prepare for their homecoming beginning of the summer I try to savor each moment. Truly one of my favorite things is bedtime. Not because I'm exhausted but because I get to say their prayers, talk about their days, and my "favoritest" part...
Singing Jesus Loves Me. I love hearing them sing it as they yawn and begin to drift off to sleep.
I am reminded daily that He loves me with all His heart and I get to share that joy with three young hearts who I have seen not only grow physically but spiritually. I love it when G prays for his younger brother & sister or his sick friend.
Thank you Father for fulfilling my hearts desire even if it is only for just a few months. My heart is filled with such love for them and I am so quickly reminded that is only a fraction of how much YOU love ME! Thank you again for loving me!
Singing Jesus Loves Me. I love hearing them sing it as they yawn and begin to drift off to sleep.
I am reminded daily that He loves me with all His heart and I get to share that joy with three young hearts who I have seen not only grow physically but spiritually. I love it when G prays for his younger brother & sister or his sick friend.
Thank you Father for fulfilling my hearts desire even if it is only for just a few months. My heart is filled with such love for them and I am so quickly reminded that is only a fraction of how much YOU love ME! Thank you again for loving me!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Perfect Timing
Got an email today from Sarah's Laughter. I don't usually read these emails much anymore but today I did. I'm glad I did.
In my office, it is always 5:30. Never 2:15. Never 8:04. It is always 5:30.
There is a broken clock in my office. People have such different reactions to it! Some look at it with a quizzical look on their faces. Others offer to fix it for us, but I always politely decline. You see, my clock is broken on purpose. I took a perfectly good, functioning clock, broke it and hung it on my wall. What a huge blessing!
You see, that broken clock is a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing. At first glance, it appears that the broken clock is worthless. The hands never move. It looks like nothing good is happening. But glance down at the bottom of the clock. The pendulum is still moving. Swinging left. Swinging right. The pendulum never stops.
In the dark days of waiting through your struggle with infertility, it feels like God’s plan for your family has ground to a halt. No explanations from the medical community. No prophetic utterances promising that long-sought after child. Even in the silence of infertility, listen to the ticking of a broken clock. God, like that pendulum, is still working and moving. When it seems like nothing is happening, the pendulum of God’s timing is still swinging.
Buy a clock, break it and proudly hang it on your wall. Let it serve as a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing.Be still, and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10
I may not know what's on the other side of our current situation but I know who does. My Daddy, My Protector, My Lord, My Savior. I'm thankful for that.
In my office, it is always 5:30. Never 2:15. Never 8:04. It is always 5:30.
There is a broken clock in my office. People have such different reactions to it! Some look at it with a quizzical look on their faces. Others offer to fix it for us, but I always politely decline. You see, my clock is broken on purpose. I took a perfectly good, functioning clock, broke it and hung it on my wall. What a huge blessing!
You see, that broken clock is a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing. At first glance, it appears that the broken clock is worthless. The hands never move. It looks like nothing good is happening. But glance down at the bottom of the clock. The pendulum is still moving. Swinging left. Swinging right. The pendulum never stops.
In the dark days of waiting through your struggle with infertility, it feels like God’s plan for your family has ground to a halt. No explanations from the medical community. No prophetic utterances promising that long-sought after child. Even in the silence of infertility, listen to the ticking of a broken clock. God, like that pendulum, is still working and moving. When it seems like nothing is happening, the pendulum of God’s timing is still swinging.
Buy a clock, break it and proudly hang it on your wall. Let it serve as a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing.Be still, and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10
I may not know what's on the other side of our current situation but I know who does. My Daddy, My Protector, My Lord, My Savior. I'm thankful for that.
Friday, February 17, 2012
It's the beginning of the end...
Next week the kids start unsupervised visits at home with their parents. They are suppose to be with us until September but
Praying Mom & Dad will be able to handle the pressures of 3 kids and the kids will be strong enough to handle two different worlds. Praying I can handle this as well!
It will be a difficult transition but nessasarry to go to the next step.
Next week the kids start unsupervised visits at home with their parents. They are suppose to be with us until September but
Praying Mom & Dad will be able to handle the pressures of 3 kids and the kids will be strong enough to handle two different worlds. Praying I can handle this as well!
It will be a difficult transition but nessasarry to go to the next step.
That old 80's song "You make me promises promises" has been rolling through my head over and over again the past few days.
This week has been an emotionally taxing week for me. Some really good friends of ours just had a beautiful baby girl this week. This past Friday we celebrated another friends handsome little boys 1st birthday. While we were there another set of our friends with 3 little boys announced they were pregnant & it's a strong possibility that it might be twins. Not to mention it looks as though our three will be going home in September. Oh by the way did I tell you that as we were pulling out of the drive way for our valentines date my truck broke?
Can you see why that songs been in my head?
As I was driving back to work from seeing my friend & her new baby at the hospital I realized the swerving faith that continues to rise up in my heart as I asked...
"God is there ever going to come a time when we get to have a baby? Didn't you promise me that? Are we ever going to have children we don't have to give back? What have I done wrong? What am I DOING wrong? I try so hard to get it all right but I still haven't measured up? God PLEASE just give me a sign a word something for me to hold on to."
Yesterday morning after I dropped off all the kids I headed back up to the hospital to sit with my friend because her husband had to go to a meeting. There is one Christian radio station that I love to listen to. I turned it on in the middle of a conversation they were having with some guy about really wanting something and having to wait. I listened & then turned it off and made some phone calls but THEY just don't understand MY pain.
When I turned it back on Brooke the female talk show host was reading an email someone had written about sharing their waiting experience. She talked about getting married young having several miscarriages and thinking how she had given up on her dream of ever having children. She finally got pregnant carried the baby to term and when she had the baby boy she had been praying for she named him Zachariah, she stated in the email that's means THE LORD REMEMBERS.
Yep that is when I pretty much busted into to tears...asking for forgiveness and praying for unswerving hope as in Hebrews 10:23 and to remove all my disbelief. Honestly, as I approach 38 it is getting harder and harder to believe that God gave me that dream to hold on to hope instead of satan giving it to me to torture me everyday. What it comes down to for me is that everyday sometimes every moment it a choice...either I choose to believe God has my best interest at heart or I choose to walk away from everything that I have believed since I was a little girl.
Next Month I have to teach at our women's conference on Dreams. The section I have to teach on is our method vs our means...basically our words and our actions meeting to fulfill our dreams. Example, You can't say I have to be the best mom to my kids and never be there for them. I felt like God told me the beginning of the year that it's time to start dreaming again...im trying...
Thank you Father for loving me in spite of my doubt. I thank you for the 3 wonderful beautiful children you have placed for a time in our care. I thank you for providing a way. I thank you that YOU know the ending and when there is a war You always win if we allow you to fight instead of fighting the battles alone. Forgiveme for my sins. Father guard my heart my mind and my ears. Give me the courage to do what you have called me to do. I thank you Father for loving me first, knowing me best, and loving me MOST!
This week has been an emotionally taxing week for me. Some really good friends of ours just had a beautiful baby girl this week. This past Friday we celebrated another friends handsome little boys 1st birthday. While we were there another set of our friends with 3 little boys announced they were pregnant & it's a strong possibility that it might be twins. Not to mention it looks as though our three will be going home in September. Oh by the way did I tell you that as we were pulling out of the drive way for our valentines date my truck broke?
Can you see why that songs been in my head?
As I was driving back to work from seeing my friend & her new baby at the hospital I realized the swerving faith that continues to rise up in my heart as I asked...
"God is there ever going to come a time when we get to have a baby? Didn't you promise me that? Are we ever going to have children we don't have to give back? What have I done wrong? What am I DOING wrong? I try so hard to get it all right but I still haven't measured up? God PLEASE just give me a sign a word something for me to hold on to."
Yesterday morning after I dropped off all the kids I headed back up to the hospital to sit with my friend because her husband had to go to a meeting. There is one Christian radio station that I love to listen to. I turned it on in the middle of a conversation they were having with some guy about really wanting something and having to wait. I listened & then turned it off and made some phone calls but THEY just don't understand MY pain.
When I turned it back on Brooke the female talk show host was reading an email someone had written about sharing their waiting experience. She talked about getting married young having several miscarriages and thinking how she had given up on her dream of ever having children. She finally got pregnant carried the baby to term and when she had the baby boy she had been praying for she named him Zachariah, she stated in the email that's means THE LORD REMEMBERS.
Yep that is when I pretty much busted into to tears...asking for forgiveness and praying for unswerving hope as in Hebrews 10:23 and to remove all my disbelief. Honestly, as I approach 38 it is getting harder and harder to believe that God gave me that dream to hold on to hope instead of satan giving it to me to torture me everyday. What it comes down to for me is that everyday sometimes every moment it a choice...either I choose to believe God has my best interest at heart or I choose to walk away from everything that I have believed since I was a little girl.
Next Month I have to teach at our women's conference on Dreams. The section I have to teach on is our method vs our means...basically our words and our actions meeting to fulfill our dreams. Example, You can't say I have to be the best mom to my kids and never be there for them. I felt like God told me the beginning of the year that it's time to start dreaming again...im trying...
Thank you Father for loving me in spite of my doubt. I thank you for the 3 wonderful beautiful children you have placed for a time in our care. I thank you for providing a way. I thank you that YOU know the ending and when there is a war You always win if we allow you to fight instead of fighting the battles alone. Forgiveme for my sins. Father guard my heart my mind and my ears. Give me the courage to do what you have called me to do. I thank you Father for loving me first, knowing me best, and loving me MOST!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
February...the month of LOVE
As I sit here today it's Sunday afternoon & I'm home with have a clean house. Thanks to my husband skipping church. Trust me I am NOT for skipping just because you don't "feel" like going and NO I'm not saying that my dirty house was/is more important than God. But I am thankful that God has given me a husband who while he isn't perfect he IS will to continually willing change not for me but to make himself a better person. He doesn't always clean like I do...we differ on how to clean...there for we usually do not clean together. :)
Needless to say when I walked in this afternoon I felt LOVED. He knows how much a dirty house stresses me out. And while sometimes I have to get over it and focused on what is important...THE MOMENT... We have a caseworker visiting tomorrow. So the importance of a clean house rose to the top.
The 3 blue eyed beauties are still here with us. It's almost been a year now. Parents have an upcoming court date. They are at the present moment doing what they are suppose to...taking the classes & doing the jobs that they were asked to do by the courts. We have a pretty good relationship with the birth mom & her family as well as the birth dad. Our prayer is that if they are to go home with their mom & dad then they will allow God to change & heal their hearts fully & completely. If they are to stay with us we pray that the kids will not have any more trauma with going home & then coming back.
As much as we love them we have to be willing to let them go if that is what God chooses. Something that brings me peace is that God already knows the outcome. No matter what NO ONE can EVER take away what God has placed in their hearts. NO ONE will ever be able to take away the memories they've had living here or that they've given us.
As for February...and just a few things that I love...
My Husband
3 Beautiful Blue Eyed Beauties sleeping in my house
My Puppies
My Family
My Friends
My Neighbors
ABSOLUTELY LOVE kissing those babies good night each night. After a year still my favorite part of the day!
My Church
What do you LOVE about February?
Needless to say when I walked in this afternoon I felt LOVED. He knows how much a dirty house stresses me out. And while sometimes I have to get over it and focused on what is important...THE MOMENT... We have a caseworker visiting tomorrow. So the importance of a clean house rose to the top.
The 3 blue eyed beauties are still here with us. It's almost been a year now. Parents have an upcoming court date. They are at the present moment doing what they are suppose to...taking the classes & doing the jobs that they were asked to do by the courts. We have a pretty good relationship with the birth mom & her family as well as the birth dad. Our prayer is that if they are to go home with their mom & dad then they will allow God to change & heal their hearts fully & completely. If they are to stay with us we pray that the kids will not have any more trauma with going home & then coming back.
As much as we love them we have to be willing to let them go if that is what God chooses. Something that brings me peace is that God already knows the outcome. No matter what NO ONE can EVER take away what God has placed in their hearts. NO ONE will ever be able to take away the memories they've had living here or that they've given us.
As for February...and just a few things that I love...
My Husband
3 Beautiful Blue Eyed Beauties sleeping in my house
My Puppies
My Family
My Friends
My Neighbors
ABSOLUTELY LOVE kissing those babies good night each night. After a year still my favorite part of the day!
My Church
What do you LOVE about February?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
We can only desire what you can imagine.
Our church needs to be RIPPED wide open...
My desire isn’t just to RIP (rest in peace)
My desire is for God to RIP this church WIDE open…
I want our children to RIP their generation…
Radically sold out to Christ
Irrevocably devoted to each other.
Persistently committed to reaching the lost.
We have a choice to Rest In Peace or to Allow God to RIP us wide open and create us who he wants us to be.
We were asked to do just TWO things...Love the Lord with ALL our heart mind body & soul...and...to love our neighbor as ourselves. That's all we have to focus on...
Father, help me be more of an equipper and less of a doer. Give me the strength to trust in you fully. Help me to build others rather than seeing them as a tool to build my own ministry. Father in this "fatherless" world my hearts desire Lord is to be RADICALLY sold out to YOU! To be irrevocably devoted to each other and to be PERSISTENTLY committed to reaching those who don't know you. Father, help me be a cheerleader to my team and to be bold the way Jesus was when I ask people to serve. Remind me to laugh and to rest. Help me Father devote the resources that you provide me to develop others. Father, help me forgive myself for my shortcomings this past year. In 2012 I will remember the 1 thing that is important…YOU!
Our church needs to be RIPPED wide open...
My desire isn’t just to RIP (rest in peace)
My desire is for God to RIP this church WIDE open…
I want our children to RIP their generation…
Radically sold out to Christ
Irrevocably devoted to each other.
Persistently committed to reaching the lost.
We have a choice to Rest In Peace or to Allow God to RIP us wide open and create us who he wants us to be.
We were asked to do just TWO things...Love the Lord with ALL our heart mind body & soul...and...to love our neighbor as ourselves. That's all we have to focus on...
Father, help me be more of an equipper and less of a doer. Give me the strength to trust in you fully. Help me to build others rather than seeing them as a tool to build my own ministry. Father in this "fatherless" world my hearts desire Lord is to be RADICALLY sold out to YOU! To be irrevocably devoted to each other and to be PERSISTENTLY committed to reaching those who don't know you. Father, help me be a cheerleader to my team and to be bold the way Jesus was when I ask people to serve. Remind me to laugh and to rest. Help me Father devote the resources that you provide me to develop others. Father, help me forgive myself for my shortcomings this past year. In 2012 I will remember the 1 thing that is important…YOU!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Today is one of "those" days. One of those days that has been a struggle & a blessing. One of those days where I wanted to stay in bed and cover my head and not come up for a few days. One of those days where I'm excited about things but so scared of what tomorrow might hold. One of those days were I pray for the children's family with hope that justice for their sake is served and that lifes will begin to be changed for the positive. One of those days when you don't know exactly HOW to pray.
Father I thank you today for all your blessings. I pray that you show me what satan doesn't want me to see. Show me how YOU see me. Show me what is for now & what is for later. Show me how to prepare for the harvest that is coming. Give me your heart to love, your eyes to see, your ears to hear you crystal clear, your hands to touch, your feet to go, and your mouth to speak your words. Help me to be who you have created me to be. I love you.
Father I thank you today for all your blessings. I pray that you show me what satan doesn't want me to see. Show me how YOU see me. Show me what is for now & what is for later. Show me how to prepare for the harvest that is coming. Give me your heart to love, your eyes to see, your ears to hear you crystal clear, your hands to touch, your feet to go, and your mouth to speak your words. Help me to be who you have created me to be. I love you.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Philippians 4:13
What does
~six kids (ages 1,2,4,4,6,8)
~103.8 fever
~the monday AFTER VBS
~Strep Thoat
~flooded basement
~HORRIBLE Strep rash on the BACK of my neck
~husband working late (again for the 5th night in a row)
ALL have in common???
Not a VERY good Monday!
It's days like this that I am glad I have scriptures hidden in my heart! :)
~six kids (ages 1,2,4,4,6,8)
~103.8 fever
~the monday AFTER VBS
~Strep Thoat
~flooded basement
~HORRIBLE Strep rash on the BACK of my neck
~husband working late (again for the 5th night in a row)
ALL have in common???
Not a VERY good Monday!
It's days like this that I am glad I have scriptures hidden in my heart! :)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
In the beginning...
In the beginning my plan was to blog everyday so I wouldn't forget a moment of how they make me feel...how my husband stepped into fatherhood...how I adjusted to motherhood...how they grow...the cute things they do...the frustrations of being a foster parent...the joys of finally getting to feel a little bit of what it was like to be a mommy...how God is working through them to change & mold me. But then it happened...the unthinkable...something that you can never fully prepare for...
That's right. Life. Crazy but it's true. My life over the past few months has been consumed everything and more of what I mentioned about but also I have had 2 summer camps and in the middle of what is turning out to be the BEST VBS YET!
Shawn came once again to pick up the kids from VBS and put them to bed. Since I'm in charge I have to be there until the last person leaves & that can make for a late night for these babies. (Shawn has been an AMAZING help during the busiest month of my year.) When I came home tonight I heard the VBS music playing from G's bedroom. I was tucking them in & kissing them good night & the words just really struck me as I looked at these 3 beautiful children...
It seems like there’s so much to hope for
So many dreams, I wish they all could come true
When I think about your ways, Lord
It gives me so much faith in all that you do
Faith to see beyond what I can see
Faith to know that you will do great things
I will trust you Lord, I’ll always believe
As I hold on to my faith
Jesus, you are holding on to me.
Father I pray that you fill there hearts with dreams that can not be squelched. Please give them the faith to see beyond they could possibly see...Father give them the strength to know that they will do GREAT things...that you have BIG plans for them...Give them Godly confidence, wisdom, & grace. Forgive me Father for not being the mother that they need at all times. Thank you for loving & giving me the opportunity to love these children.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
That's right. Life. Crazy but it's true. My life over the past few months has been consumed everything and more of what I mentioned about but also I have had 2 summer camps and in the middle of what is turning out to be the BEST VBS YET!
Shawn came once again to pick up the kids from VBS and put them to bed. Since I'm in charge I have to be there until the last person leaves & that can make for a late night for these babies. (Shawn has been an AMAZING help during the busiest month of my year.) When I came home tonight I heard the VBS music playing from G's bedroom. I was tucking them in & kissing them good night & the words just really struck me as I looked at these 3 beautiful children...
It seems like there’s so much to hope for
So many dreams, I wish they all could come true
When I think about your ways, Lord
It gives me so much faith in all that you do
Faith to see beyond what I can see
Faith to know that you will do great things
I will trust you Lord, I’ll always believe
As I hold on to my faith
Jesus, you are holding on to me.
Father I pray that you fill there hearts with dreams that can not be squelched. Please give them the faith to see beyond they could possibly see...Father give them the strength to know that they will do GREAT things...that you have BIG plans for them...Give them Godly confidence, wisdom, & grace. Forgive me Father for not being the mother that they need at all times. Thank you for loving & giving me the opportunity to love these children.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Camp 2011
REMAIN: to be a part not destroyed,
to continue unchanged
Continue to exist
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:1-14
Camp begins today...I have two weeks of camp where I am "in charge" of nothing but hold ultimate responsibility...This week we will be learning what it means to be a STRETCHER BEARER.
Mark 2:1-12 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Father, I come to you today, Father's Day, thanking you for being such an AMAZING Father...asking you for so much. We need Your Divine protection this week for each and every child & leader that walks out onto your camp. Father I ask that you guide & direct our every word our every step our every thought. Show me what satan doesn't want me to see. Remind me daily how YOU see me. Father give me wisdom to know what is for now and what is for later. Show me how to prepare for the harvest which has been promised to us. I pray for WONDERS SIGNS and MIRACLES this week that are beyond our wildest comprehension. Praying that Every leader will be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19) Father I beg of You to let EVERY word that comes fourth from my mouth be PLEASING to you and let every meditation of my heart be acceptable to You. I pray this all in Your sons holy name & may you receive all GLORY HORNOR & PRAISE!
to continue unchanged
Continue to exist
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:1-14
Camp begins today...I have two weeks of camp where I am "in charge" of nothing but hold ultimate responsibility...This week we will be learning what it means to be a STRETCHER BEARER.
Mark 2:1-12 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Father, I come to you today, Father's Day, thanking you for being such an AMAZING Father...asking you for so much. We need Your Divine protection this week for each and every child & leader that walks out onto your camp. Father I ask that you guide & direct our every word our every step our every thought. Show me what satan doesn't want me to see. Remind me daily how YOU see me. Father give me wisdom to know what is for now and what is for later. Show me how to prepare for the harvest which has been promised to us. I pray for WONDERS SIGNS and MIRACLES this week that are beyond our wildest comprehension. Praying that Every leader will be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19) Father I beg of You to let EVERY word that comes fourth from my mouth be PLEASING to you and let every meditation of my heart be acceptable to You. I pray this all in Your sons holy name & may you receive all GLORY HORNOR & PRAISE!
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